On the Multiplicative Logarithmic Strain Space Formulation
A new constitutive approach to finite-deformation formulations of elasto-plasticity (with isotropic thermal expansion) is presented, which is well-suited to a broad range of metals used for industrial applications. The constitutive equations are formulated within the logarithmic strain space. The coupling of elasticity, plasticity and thermal expansion is based on a multiplicative approach of commutative-symmetric stretch tensor products with symmetrizing rotation tensors in the middle of two symmetric stretch tensors. It is essential for finite-deformation formulations to refer to an appropriate reference configuration K0 in order to model material orthotropy correctly (and not to mix up material / physical anisotropy with deformation-induced / geometrical anisotropy). Furthermore, it is essential to define proper stretch and strain tensors which are geometrical interpretable, i.e. which only depend on a current K and a reference K0 configuration (and not on the geometrical deformation path between these configurations). Therefore, all stretch and strain tensors are defined with respect to the same reference configuration K0, the total stretches and strains as well as the partial ones: the elastic, plastic and thermal stretches and strains. And these reference configurations should be the appropriate ones, where—in the case of fiber-reinforced (metal) bodies—the fibers are placed orthogonal to each other or where Walter Noll’s symmetry group considerations characterize the physical nature of materials with their most specificity as: orthotropic, transversal isotropic or fully isotropic.