Dynamic Response of Heterogeneity and Reinforcement on the Propagation of Torsional Surface Waves
This paper aims to investigate the effect of reinforcement and heterogeneity on the propagation of torsional surface waves. Geometry of the problem is consists of heterogeneous fibre-reinforced layer lying over a heterogeneous isotropic half-space. Heterogeneity in the layer is caused due to exponential variation of elastic parameters whereas quadratic variation in elastic parameters is considered for half-space. Dispersion relation for torsional surface waves has been obtained and matched with classical Love wave equation by taking an isotropic homogeneous layer lying over an isotropic homogeneous half-space. Some existing results have been deduced as particular case of the present study. Velocity profile of surface waves is compared for both, reinforced and reinforced free cases. Numerical examples have been discussed by taking steel fibre-reinforced material. Graphical representation has been made to exhibit the findings.