Constitutive Modeling of Additive Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Cyclic Elastoplastic Behaviour
Metal additive manufacturing techniques have been increasingly attracting the interest of the aerospace and biomedical industry. A particular focus has been on high value and complexity parts and components, as there the advantages offered by additive manufacturing are very significant for the design and production organisations. Various additive manufacturing techniques have been tested and utilized over the past years, with laser-based technology being among the preferred solutions – e.g. selective laser melting / sintering (SLM / SLS). Fatigue qualification, as one of the primary design challenges to meet, imposes the need for extensive material testing. Moreover, this need is amplified by the fact that currently there is very limited in-service experience and understanding of the distinct mechanical behaviour of additively manufactured metallic materials. To this end, material modelling can serve as a mediator, nevertheless research particular to additively manufactured metals is also quite limited. This work attempts to identify the cyclic elastoplastic behaviour characteristics of SLM manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. A set of uniaxial stress and strain controlled mechanical tests have been conducted on as-built SLM coupons. Phenomena critical for engineering applications and interrelated to fatigue performance (mean stress relaxation, ratcheting) have been examined under the prism of constitutive modeling. Cyclic plasticity models have been successfully employed to simulate the test results. Moreover, a preliminary analysis has been conducted on the differences observed in the elastoplastic behaviour of SLM and conventionally manufactured Ti-6Al-4V and their possible connection to material performance in the high cycle fatigue regime.