Dynamic Response of Prestressed Timoshenko Beams Resting on Two-Parameter Foundation to Moving Harmonic Load


  • Nguyen Dinh Kien


The dynamic response of prestressed Timoshenko beams fully and partially resting on a two-parameter elastic foundation to a moving harmonic load is investigated by the finite element method. A beam element with shear deformation taking the effect of prestress and foundation support for the dynamic analysis is formulated in the context of the field consistent approach. Using the formulated element, the dynamic response of the beams having different boundary conditions is computed by using the direct integration Newmark method. The effects of prestress, foundation support, moving velocity and excitation frequency on the dynamic characteristics of the beams are studied and described in detail. The numerical results show that the effects of the axial force and the moving velocity on the dynamic response of the beams are governed by the excitation frequency. The influence of acceleration, partial support by the elastic foundation and the significance of the second foundation parameter are also examined and highlighted.




How to Cite

Kien, N. D. (2019) “Dynamic Response of Prestressed Timoshenko Beams Resting on Two-Parameter Foundation to Moving Harmonic Load”, Technische Mechanik - European Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 28(3-4), pp. 237–258. Available at: https://journals.ub.ovgu.de/index.php/techmech/article/view/846 (Accessed: 18 January 2025).


