About the Journal

The Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) of the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg publishes the FEMM Working Paper Series in connection with its research programme “Decision Design - Quantitative and Experimental Research in Economics and Management.” The central goal of the research programme is the theoretical, empirical und experimental analysis of economic processes and institutions, enabling theory and evidence based advice for political and managerial decision-makers. Quantitative and analytic methods play a central role for the research programme, just as numerical simulations, econometric analyses, and experimental studies do. The studies in the FEMM Working Paper Series contribute to all fields of economics and management research, but especially to the design

  • of managerial processes (e.g. warehousing, routing, corporate management, accounting, teamwork, personnel economics, human resources management, and entrepreneurship)
  • of intercompany processes (e.g. joint venture management, transnational-subsidiary-management, and supply chain management)
  • of consumer markets (e.g. product, communication, and interaction design)
  • of finance and financial markets (e.g. regulation of financial markets and intermediaries)
  • of public revenue and expenditure (e.g. formation of public debt, taxes and subsidies)
  • of financing and providing public goods (e.g. managing incentives, conflicts and cooperation)