Befragungsbasierte Methoden zur Ermittlung von Preisresponsefunktionen
Preisbereitschaft oder Kaufbereitschaft?
Pricing Research, Price Response Function, Willingness to Pay, Willingness to Buy, BDM Lottery, Monadic DesignsAbstract
In experimental studies, two techniques (closed-ended vs. open ended approach) for measur-ing willingness to pay (WTP) of a consumer good presented in a non-competitive environ-ment (monadic design) were applied. For validation a real option to buy was offered. Both approaches were applied hypothetically or in an incentive compatible lottery in a 2x2 factorial design. Our studies support verified findings of previous empirical research like the occur-rence of an hypothetical bias. We observe higher shares of choice as well as higher WTPs re-vealed in the closed-ended approach. Compared to open-ended approaches widely recom-mended in literature (BDM-Lottery, Vickrey Auction), linking closed-ended approaches with a binding lottery turns out to be a useful design for determining valid WTPs. In addition, a se-lection of applied indicators for cross validations of derived price response functions is pre-sented. Finally, results give rise to discuss fields of application and constraints of monadic de-signs for determining consumer´s willingness to pay in general.