Vol. 28 (2008): Kochetov, Sergey V.: Time- and frequency-domain modeling of passive interconncection structured in field and circuit analysis

					View Vol. 28 (2008): Kochetov, Sergey V.: Time- and frequency-domain modeling of passive interconncection structured in field and circuit analysis


Throughout the first period of electrical-engineering history, passive interconnections, i.e., conductors serving as the connection of electronic devices or system components, were typically not considered in the system modeling, except for some special cases and "electrically long" structures, which were successfully described via the transmission-line theory. This changed dramatically after the wide-spread introduction of digital, radio-frequency, and microwave technologies, which required transmission via the passive interconnection structures of high-frequency (HF) signals. The parasitic effects introduced by passive interconnections at high frequencies have motivated modern digital-system designers to consider such interconnections more precisely.

ISBN: 978-3-940961-27-3

Doi: https://doi.org/10.24352/UB.OVGU-2021-068


Published: 2019-01-29