Capriz, G.; Mariano, P.M. (Eds.): Advances in Multifield Theories for Continua with Substructure; Hollburg, U.: Maschinendynamik<; Hartmann, F.; Katz, C.: Structural Analysis with Finite Elements; Oertel, H.; Laurien, E.: Numerische Strömungsmechanik; ...


  • B. Svendsen
  • J. Strackeljan
  • K. Weinberg
  • D. Thevenin
  • L. Deters
  • T. Böhlke


Capriz, G.; Mariano, P.M. (Eds.):
Advances in Multifield Theories for Continua with Substructure
Series: Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology
Birkhäuser, 2004, 263 pp., 45 illustrations
ISBN 0-8176-4324-9, 115,56  €

Hollburg, U.:
Oldenbourg Verlage 1. Auflage 2002, 339 S.
ISBN 3-486-24643-7, 29.80 €

Hartmann, F.; Katz, C.:
Structural Analysis with Finite Elements
Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg New York 2004 484 pages, 345 figures
ISBN 3-540-40416-3, 85,55 €

Oertel, H.; Laurien, E.:
Numerische Strömungsmechanik
Vieweg Verlag, 2., neu bearbeitete Aufl. 2003, 257 S., 145 Abb.
ISBN 3-528-03936-1, 26,90 €

Czichos, H.; Habig, K-H.:
Tribologie-Handbuch (‘Tribology Manual’)
Vieweg Verlag, 2nd edition, Wiesbaden 2003 666 S., 471 Abb., 115 Tab.
ISBN 3-528-16354-2, 99,00 €

Truesdell, C.; Noll, W.:
The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics
3rd edition, 602 pp. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2004
ISBN 3-540-02779-3, 85,55 €




How to Cite

Svendsen, B. (2019) “Capriz, G.; Mariano, P.M. (Eds.): Advances in Multifield Theories for Continua with Substructure; Hollburg, U.: Maschinendynamik<; Hartmann, F.; Katz, C.: Structural Analysis with Finite Elements; Oertel, H.; Laurien, E.: Numerische Strömungsmechanik; . ”., Technische Mechanik - European Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 25(3-4), pp. 218–222. Available at: (Accessed: 23 January 2025).




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